What is Black in Sport Business (BSB)?
Black in Sport Business is an organization that aims to connect and encourage the presence of black professionals in the sport business industry across Canada.
Mission: BSB is a space created for black professionals in sport business in Canada to network, mentor and increase the representation and retention of blacks in the sport business industry.
To connect black professionals in sport business in the industry and build a network within all facets of sport business in Canada (sport organizations: profit and non-profit, NSOs, PSOs, media, sponsorship and government).
Support mandates to hold sport business organizations accountable regarding increased hiring and retention of black sport business professionals.
Mentor, educate and provide programs that facilitate the development of future black sport business professionals in Canada.
Create a “safe space” that cultivates support for black sport business professionals to educate others and combat racism within the sport business industry.
Connect – to identify and bring together black professionals in all areas of sport business in Canada to create a space to network, develop and learn from each other.
Empower – providing tools in the form of education and experience to support the next generation of professionals to learn and navigate the sport business space in Canada. While giving existing professionals a network to build their careers, increase exposure to the business and develop professionally.
Unite – understanding that as black professionals in this space it can be isolating and at times difficult to maneuver. This organization aims to provide a safe space to combat issues of race and assist with the education of organizations to create environments that are inclusive.